Revolutionize Onboarding: How to Make Interactive Training Videos for New Hires

In today’s fast-paced business environment, an effective onboarding process is not just a nice-to-have, it’s essential. Onboarding is the first impression new hires get of a company, and its importance can’t be overstated. Interactive training videos, a burgeoning trend in the onboarding arena, marry education with engagement. As we dive into this topic, expect to uncover the why, what, and how of revolutionizing your onboarding processes with these dynamic tools.

The Benefits of Interactive Training Videos


Traditional onboarding methods, like paperwork or long presentations, are quickly becoming obsolete. They often lead to information overload without ensuring comprehension or retention. Enter interactive training videos. These are not just passive viewing experiences; they actively involve the learner. They offer several advantages:

Engagement: Interactive videos capture attention, making learning fun and memorable.

Flexibility: New hires can learn at their own pace, rewinding or fast-forwarding as needed.

Consistency: Every employee receives the same high-quality training experience.

The real magic, though? They transform passive viewers into active participants, ensuring not just exposure but true understanding. With Mindstamp your training videos can be taken to another level.

Understanding Your Audience

Before crafting an effective training video, understanding your audience is crucial. Who are your new hires? Do they hail from diverse educational backgrounds or industries? What skills and experiences are they bringing to the table?

Engage with them directly: consider conducting surveys or even focus groups with both new and tenured employees to glean insights into their onboarding experiences. Tapping into these personal anecdotes will allow you to mold content that addresses genuine, real-world needs and challenges. Remember, in the world of training, a generic one-size-fits-all approach often falls flat. By personalizing and contextualizing the learning journey based on direct feedback, you can amplify its relevance and, by extension, its effectiveness.

Setting Clear Learning Objectives


Crystal clear objectives serve as the linchpin of any training endeavor. Before embarking on the intricate journey of content creation, you need a game plan:

Identify Desired Outcomes: After consuming your video, what should new hires walk away with? What competencies or insights should they have gained?

Break it Down: Segment your broader objectives into digestible chunks. Create a detailed list of topics or skills you intend to cover, ensuring clarity and avoiding information overload.

Prioritize with Precision: With a plethora of information at hand, zero in on what’s paramount. By focusing on the most critical elements first, you can weave a logical, step-by-step narrative.

Such meticulously set objectives act as a beacon, steering the content creation process and ensuring that your videos serve a clear, transformative purpose, resonating deeply with viewers.

Scripting and Storyboarding

Crafting a compelling narrative is more than an art; it’s a strategic endeavor paramount in captivating your audience. The journey commences with scripting, which is akin to laying the foundation for a building. During this pivotal phase, it’s essential to uphold simplicity and clarity in language. This ensures your message isn’t lost in translation but directly resonates with the viewer’s core needs and curiosities.

Once the script echoes perfection, the spotlight shifts to the storyboarding phase. Envision a storyboard as your visual roadmap, meticulously sequencing the video’s scenes, ensuring both logical progression and a visually enriching experience. As you craft this visual narrative, here are two golden guidelines:

Real-world Relevance: Root your content in tangible, real-world scenarios or personal anecdotes. This bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applicability, making abstract concepts tangibly relatable.

Brevity is King: In today’s digital age of dwindling attention spans, brevity is your strongest ally. Aim for conciseness, ensuring that your content is dense in value, not in duration. After all, a long-winded discourse can inadvertently push viewers away, leading to diminishing engagement and retention rates.

Choosing the Right Video Creation Tools

In today’s digital age, a plethora of tools are at your disposal, each tailored to diverse needs and financial constraints. Among the top contenders:

Vyond: Best known for its animations and intuitive interface, making video creation a breeze for beginners.

Articulate 360: Distinguished for its unique interactive features, it’s a staple for crafting educational videos.

Adobe Captivate: A powerhouse for those seeking advanced customization, delivering a spectrum of features for interactivity.

While prices range across platforms, remember that the right investment can significantly elevate your video’s quality, enhancing the onboarding experience.

Incorporating Interactive Elements

To go beyond passive viewing experiences, integrate interactive components that call for viewer participation:

Quizzes: A swift means to gauge and reinforce understanding post-content delivery.

Clickable Links: These can offer supplementary resources or deeper insights into crucial topics, enriching the learning process.

Decision Points: Empower learners by letting them steer their learning path, heightening immersion and personal relevance.

Strategically positioning these elements can bolster information retention, setting the stage for long-term learning.

Design and Visual Elements

Visual allure is more than mere eye candy; it’s the linchpin of sustained viewer engagement. Harness the power of crisp graphics, maintain uniformity in animations, and select fonts that are both stylish and easily readable. When it comes to color palettes, harmonize them with your corporate identity but also prioritize visual comfort and appeal. Always ensure a seamless blend of aesthetics and clarity.

Filming and Editing Techniques


Achieving pristine footage is non-negotiable. The significance of apt lighting cannot be stressed enough; it’s the difference between amateur and professional footage. Investing in quality lighting equipment or optimizing natural lighting is crucial. On the auditory front, prioritize clear, crisp sound. A superior microphone can be transformative, and always strive to minimize disruptive background noises.

For the post-production stage, software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro is invaluable, refining raw footage into a sleek, viewer-ready masterpiece.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

In the spirit of inclusiveness, it’s pivotal to cater to the diverse needs of all employees. Subtitles are essential, catering to those with hearing impairments. Moreover, color choices should be made with the colorblind in mind, ensuring universally discernible content. Embracing inclusivity is not just a moral imperative but also amplifies engagement, making content resonate with a broader audience, and maximizing its efficacy.

Testing and Feedback

Prior to a grand launch, pilot testing is invaluable. Assemble a varied group of employees, expose them to the videos, and actively seek their feedback. This hands-on approach can unearth insights on what resonates and areas that may need refinement. This iterative process ensures content that’s not only informative but also engaging and effective.

Implementing Interactive Training Videos


With your polished videos in hand, weave them seamlessly into your onboarding regimen. Track their impact using tangible metrics, from engagement statistics to quiz performance, and gather continuous feedback. This dynamic approach ensures content remains current and continually optimized for your evolving workforce.


Onboarding is an investment in your company’s future. By leveraging the power of interactive training videos, you’re ensuring that investment yields rich dividends. So, dive in, and start revolutionizing your onboarding process today!